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My Obsession with Android

Consumer facing applications

Products that will improve people's lives are my passion. Being able to impact every user within the userbase, whether it is improving the user experience or the interface, it gives me joy that a few lines of code I add to the application can improving someone's experience. Android is a platform that is constantly evolving. The design libraries are constantly updated to improve the user interface which will improve user experience.

10x Growth

It is difficult to have one idea that will evolve the product to have 10x growth. A great product is created by having different ideas come together to make one successful product. Even though my job description is not directly responsible for thinking of ideas that can help a product reach 10x growth, but regardless I still constantly think of ideas. Since I am directly touching the code, I try to think in the user's persepctive to see what type of features will improve their experience that even the users didn't know they wanted. I put my heart into every application I create and not only do the technical side but also try to think in product sense as well.

Freedom in Design for Android

In the recent years, Google created the Material Design guideline. Since then there has been two different views on this topic. A group that is for the implementation of Material Design and the opposing group. Having the privilege of working on many different applications while observing many successful applications on the market, I believe it comes down to resources. The beauty of Android is that there is no correct way to go about design and either option will allow for beautiful looking applications. Not following Material Design guidelines requires more effort in UI/UX research however it is not impossible. This flexibility allows for freedom for designers and developers and this is the aspect of Android that intrigues me.

Past Work Experience

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Android Developer @ Carrot Inc.


- Involved in the first release of main application (Pivot Journey) in Play Store
- Re-architected application to follow MVP pattern by refactoring major sections
- Major focus of refactor was to enhance memory and performance
- Aided the creation of the entire release process

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Android Developer @ VarageSale


- Contributed to the VarageSale Android application currently in the Play Store
- Refactored entire flow of posting an item to VarageSale communities
- Actively collaborated with designers to discuss UI for better UX
- Was a member of feature team that focused on activating users
- Involved in multiple iterations of defining team process
- Began the integration of Espresso testing framework for Android application
- Brought up ideas of growth of the company directly to the VP of Growth

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Software Developer @ QuickTapSurvey


- Developer for Android, iOS and JEE web application
- Involved in building and shipping Android phone version of QuickTapSurvey’s Android application from scratch, currently in the Play Store
- Heavily influenced Android design of application to implement more Material Design
- Was part of multiple releases for the JEE web application and iOS application
- Introduced and aided implementation of mobile automation testing

Agile Test Engineer @ Pivotal Labs


- Heavily involved in automation for multiple projects
- Using different frameworks to apply whitebox testing and blackbox testing
- Frameworks used: Espresso (Java), Calabash (Ruby, Cucumber)
- Backup QA lead for multiple projects that use Agile development methodology including one of the largest sports application currently on the market
- Became more involved in Agile development cycle such as collaboration with developers

Agile Test Engineer @ Xtreme Labs


- Android, iOS, Windows, Blackberry manual testing for multiple projects
- Introduced to Agile methodology and learnt about development cycles
- Aided project lead with organization of test plans